This project centered on the development and execution of a system designed for the processing of student ID cards. The research delved into the utilization of an ID card processing expert system as a transformative tool in the field of computer science. It concentrated on how enhanced representations of processing knowledge and problem-solving strategies have propelled the domain of artificial intelligence within the computer field. The researcher conducted a thorough examination of the outsourced system to determine its suitability for automation. Fortunately, the processing expert system yielded a favorable outcome by swiftly generating a processed ID card for immediate retrieval.
Research Area
Web App Development: Web Development research in Computer Science and Information Technology focuses on the design, creation, and optimization of websites and web applications that are accessible over the internet or private networks. This research area spans a variety of topics, including front-end and back-end development, web frameworks, web performance, user experience (UX) design, security, and emerging web technologies.
Front-end development research explores the design and functionality of the user-facing side of web applications. This involves studying languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, which help create dynamic, responsive, and interactive user interfaces. Researchers in this area often focus on improving the accessibility and usability of websites across different devices and browsers.
Back-end development focuses on the server side of web applications, where databases, server logic, and application functionality are managed. Research in this area includes database management, server configuration, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), and the use of frameworks such as Node.js, Django, and Ruby on Rails. It also involves optimization of server-side processes to handle large-scale traffic, improve load times, and ensure seamless data processing.
Project Main Objective
The objective of the study is to create and build an automated internal system for the University of Energy and Natural Resources for the purpose of overseeing student ID cards.